Friday, August 20, 2010

Four Pillars Revisited -- Again

Topsy-turvy. Pushed and pulled. Strung-out, tired-out, blown-out.

Sounds like there's a need to re-prioritize to me. So, that's what I'm doing. That's what we're doing. I'm blessed beyond imagination to have a husband who hears my cry, sees what I'm suggesting, and works with me to see it come to pass.

1. Love for the Lord:
Individual quiet times happening in all our lives.
Family devotions daily.
Youth group once a week.
Routine attendance and service in a local church.
Healthy hobbies and use of free time to encourage solid Biblical worldview.

2. Love for family.
Fresh dedication to oversight of sibling relationships.
Renewed commitment to one-on-one times with individual children.
Weekly extended-family meals.
At least three suppers together, Mon-Thur. breakfasts and lunches. Sunday for hospitality.

3. Love of work.
New chore chart.
New daily schedule.
Concerted effort to get some big projects finished.

4. Love of learning.
Choose curriculum. Plan unit study.
Include field trips and projects.
Plan extra-curricular activities (book studies, dance, violin, piano, sports, art, etc.)
Choose books for reading during routine lunchtimes.
Be excited about learning and growing -- for myself and each child.

Can you tell that I think homeschool is an excellent way to incorporate these things into our daily lives? It's the best opportunity going!

Am I excited about a new school year? You betcha!!