Oh, God, with anguish of soul we cry out to you. We see death surrounding, closing in, but we battle on. Linda has been nine days now without food and water. Her organs are failing, but she looks into our eyes, she follows the little boy in the room with those brown eyes as he skips and sings, she greets a newcomer with those eyes. She meets our eyes and focuses, she holds our hands. She wipes off the cold drip of water as I sponge a meager offering onto her water-thirsty lips.
But she is failing. Nine days. We need an absolute miracle. We need Lazarus-sized help.
But she is failing. Nine days. We need an absolute miracle. We need Lazarus-sized help.
Oh, God, we groan, we cry out, we do not cease from asking: overrule this darkness; intervene for our dear sister whose will is so strong; bring supernatural hydration and nourishment to these failing cells; and MOVE on the hearts of those who refuse to give her basic nutrition. Oh, God, hear your people as we lift these desperate needs to You.