Thursday, January 12, 2006

True Confessions

God knows that my heart's desire has been to see our home re-established in order and peace.

But I have been sentenced to living life from my arm chair. Hmmm.

True confession #1 - It is much quieter at my house now that I am confined to a quieter lifestyle. The whirlwind has been quarantined? Ouch!

True confession #2 - The kids are learning how to do their work better than when I was up and about. I think my tendency is to do instead of to administrate. I already learned that lesson once. Ouch!!

True confession #3 - I probably would still be wondering how I would ever find time to write a book if this had not happened. Too distracted before. Ouch!!!

True confession #4 - He is so great that He can take every situation and cause it to work together for my good because I love Him and am called according to His purpose. My, what a Redeemer. Hallelujah!!!!


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