Friday, December 23, 2005


Contrary to what many people may assume, my situation has not caused me to feel stressed. The doctor's orders to "sit with legs elevated" for the next day or two was actually a source of instant relief. Now the demands that I would have put on myself have been necessarily set aside, overruled. And I may be my toughest boss.

At any rate, I sat all day. I will sit all evening. I make lists for others to do. I make phone calls. When I get up for my routine trip to the bathroom, I take a quick glance around and make suggestions for what to do next. And then I sit some more. "Are you sick of this room yet? Are you sick of just sitting around?" he asked. "I could sit for three days in a row and not be bored. I need this," I responded.

I cannot tell you that I am comfortable. So far the pain medication hasn't really been able to handle my discomfort.

Do I panic at all about things that need doing? At times, for sure, I have had to remind myself to sit back and enjoy this because I am going to have to sit back anyways. And it will get done.

But is this going to be used by my Lord? Absolutely. What a wondrous redeemer we serve! All things are subject to His redeeming power. Every trial becomes an object of His grace in my life. It all belongs to Him.

So peace is mine and yours. Because of Him.


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