Sunday, December 04, 2005


Williamsburg, Virginia is a beautiful town for a lover of history and culture. It is brimming with period significance. Stories and places important to history are everywhere to be seen and heard. It is totally delightful and we have all enjoyed it immensely. But, alas, tomorrow will be out departure day. Once on the road home the reality of the Christmas season will set in and thoughts of cookies making, wreath designing, and gift wrapping will set in.

Right now we are comfortably situated at the home of Tom and Gail Wells, old-time friends from way back. It is total joy to see them and share family time together. What a blessing are tried and true friends. A gift from above.

See you back in the North Country. At the moment music is playing and beckoning me, as the guitar is passed around and the tin whistle added in. Fun!